Urgent: Updated Fannie Mae Guidelines Announcement - August 15, 2014 : Dallas Appraiser L.L.C. wants your help and commentary on our Real Estate Blog

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Urgent: Updated Fannie Mae Guidelines Announcement - August 15, 2014

by Dallas Appraiser L.L.C. on 08/19/14

Urgent: Updated Fannie Mae Guidelines Announcement

Fannie Mae conducted a comprehensive review of the Property Eligibility (B2-3) and Appraisal Requirements 

(B4-1) chapters of the Selling Guide. As a result of that review, new policies have been developed, current 

policies have been clarified, and additional guidance has been incorporated. Further, significant changes to the 

organization of both chapters have been made. In some cases, topics and paragraphs have been re-titled and

content has been reorganized with the expectation that searching for specific information will be much easier.

The clarifications are a result of internal reviews, frequently asked questions, and the analysis of Uniform 

Appraisal Dataset (UAD) data. Additional guidance has been incorporated into the Selling Guide to help 

lenders in their underwriting of appraisals. 

The new and updated policies are described in the table below. In addition, there is an Attachment to this 

Announcement that summarizes the clarifications and additional guidance that have been incorporated into the 

Selling Guide. Lenders should carefully review the language in the Selling Guide for the specific changes that 

are being made to ensure a full understanding of the requirements. 

Selling Guide Topics New or Updated Policies

Chapter B2-3, Property Eligibility

B2-3-01, General Property 


- The list of properties that are not eligible for acquisition by 

Fannie Mae has been updated to include boarding houses 

and bed and breakfast properties.

B2-3-02, Special Property 

Eligibility and Underwriting 

Considerations: Factory-Built 


- Added the requirement that a manufactured housing unit 

must not have been previously installed (or occupied at any 

other site or location), except from the manufacturer or the 

dealer’s lot as a new unit.© 2014 Fannie Mae. Trademarks of Fannie Mae. SEL-2014-03 Page 2 

Selling Guide Topics New or Updated Policies

Chapter B2-3, Property Eligibility

- Provided an alternative to the requirement for an original 

HUD Certification Label/Data Plate for a manufactured 


- Added that manufactured homes that have an addition or 

have had a structural modification are eligible under certain 


B2-3-03, Special Property 

Eligibility and Underwriting 

Considerations: Leasehold 


- Revised the policy that required the lender to contact Fannie 

Mae before approving a lease. The expectation is that the

lender has confirmed the lease meets the requirements 

outlined in the Selling Guide. 

B2-3-04, Special Property 

Eligibility Considerations

- Added an exception to the requirement that properties with 

multiple parcels must be adjoined in order for the loan to be 

eligible for delivery. 

- The multiple parcels policy has been revised to provide 

flexibility. Each parcel is no longer required to have 

residential zoning - rather each parcel must have the same 

basic zoning (e.g., residential, agricultural).

Selling Guide Topics New or Updated Policies

Chapter B4-1, Appraisal Requirements

B4-1.2-01, Appraisal Report 

Forms and Exhibits

- Added the requirement that a front photograph of the subject 

must be taken when completing the Appraisal Update portion 

of the Appraisal Update and/or Completion Report (Form 

1004D) to validate that the appraiser has inspected at least 

the exterior of the property when he or she performed the 

appraisal update.

B4-1.2-02, Appraisal Age and 

Use Requirements

- When an appraisal update is required, it must be reported on 

the Appraisal Update and/or Completion Report (Form 


- Fannie Mae will allow the use of an origination appraisal for a 

subsequent transaction if certain requirements relating to the 

transaction type, age of the appraisal, and continuity of 

ownership and the lender are met, and there is no change to 

the property condition impacting the market value of the 


B4-1.3-05, Improvements Section 

of the Appraisal Report

- Information related to Fannie Mae’s acceptance of unique 

property types has been provided. 

- The definition/characteristics and the eligibility of an 

accessory dwelling unit have been provided.

- If the appraiser identifies an addition(s) that does not have 

the required permit, the appraiser must comment on the 

quality and appearance of the work and its impact, if any, on 

the market value of the subject property. © 2014 Fannie Mae. Trademarks of Fannie Mae. SEL-2014-03 Page 3 

Selling Guide Topics New or Updated Policies

B4-1.3-08, Comparable Sales ? Revised the policy by removing the requirement that an 

explanation is required when using a comparable sale that is 

older than six months. 

- Provided an example to illustrate that in some instances it 

may be appropriate to use older sales with proper time 

adjustments rather than a dissimilar more recent sale. An 

older sale may be more appropriate in situations when 

market conditions have impacted the availability of recent 

sales as long as the appraisal reflects the changing market 


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